M.O.H. Minister Meets with Nursing Task Force
The Nursing Task Force says that no agreement was reached on critical issues during a meeting with Ministry of Health officials on Monday. Health Minister Pablo Marin, along with C.E.O. George Gough and Director of Health Services, Dr. Marvin Manzanero, met with representatives of the Task Force to forge a path forward. The Nursing Task Force, last week, fired a press release warning of an escalation of tensions if critical issues are not addressed by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Public Service. The appointment of a chief nurse is at the top of the priority list. Dr. Manzanero told News Five via telephone that the Task Force was informed that a name has been submitted to the Ministry of Public Service for the post.
On the Phone: Dr. Marvin Manzanero, Director of Health Services
“We had confirmed with them that we had conducted interviews process last week Wednesday for both the registrar, and Deputy Director of Health Services. Chief Nurse Officer that was done Wednesday. We submitted our panel decision to public service and I think they sent it on to the public service commission when they met on Thursday. We are waiting for a written note as to what if what we recommended is going to be accepted. We did not manage to complete the registrar note so that did not go to the commission.”
Hipolito Novelo
“How would you describe the atmosphere of the meeting?”
Dr. Marvin Manzanero
“I think from there end it had a lot of doubts from where we were in that process but we were unable communicate what we had done from our end, understanding that there were certain elements that were beyond the scope of what we are able to do as the Ministry of Health.”
Hipolito Novelo
“In its press release the task force said that it would want the meeting to avoid any escalation of tension. Do you believe that meeting achieved that yesterday?”
On the Phone: Dr. Marvin Manzanero
“Well, I think it will hinge primarily on the end response from the Public Service, Public Service Commission and then we will take it from there. I think the agreement was they will get a response in writing by this Friday.”
A release from the Nursing Task Force that after the Ministry of Health officials have met with the Ministry of Public Service, the Task Force will provide an update to its concerns.