Houston oncologist gives lecture at K.H.M.H., to public
Although Cancer Awareness Month does not start until the first of October, the public is invited to learn more about breast cancer at a lecture tomorrow night at the Bliss Institute. Dr. Garrett Lynch, an oncologist from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston is the guest speaker. Today Dr. Lynch met with members of the medical profession at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital to talk about pain management. The President of the Belize Cancer Society, Laura Longsworth says the society not only wants to increase awareness, but improve the delivery of services to cancer patients.
Dr. Garrett Lynch, Oncologist
“One of the problems is the lack and unavailability of some of the pain medicines. I gave a lecture on pain management for cancer patients and a lot of the medicines are not available. Another problem is some of the techniques we have been administering are not available. We in the States, we have a pump where the patient just pushes a button and they get morphine for pain relief in terminal cancer. It is an ideal thing for a patient’s home when they’re dying, to keep the patient comfortable. That’s not available in Belize to date.”
Laura Longsworth, President, Belize Cancer Society
“We thought that our health professionals needed to be updated on the management of pain especially in the cancer clients. Some of the medications, I think that’s where the society comes in. I think we need to dialogue with the Ministry in terms of medication when they order. We do have morphine in the country but we don’t have oral tablets. It’s a matter of perhaps somebody may not know that there’s a need for this type of medication. Some of the other drugs Dr. Lynch spoke about we have readily available; it’s just a matter of combining the drugs to alleviate the pain in the clients. I think that aspect was very interesting and it went over very well.”
Tomorrow night’s lecture on breast cancer and who is at risk begins at seven p.m. at the Bliss Institute. Dr. Lynch was invited to come to Belize by one of his students, Randy Edgell.