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Dec 31, 2021

What Are Symptoms of Omicron?

Shanna Pott

And, in case you are wondering about some of the symptoms associated with the Omicron variant, Dr. Pott spoke about the common ones she has been seeing in her patients, some of which are different than with Delta. She says even those with mild symptoms or asymptomatic need to protect the vulnerable.


Dr. Shanna Pott, General Physician

“Most people have come in who I would decide to refer them to be tested, they would come in, or sometime people don’t come in because they already know it is a high possibility, and in an attempt to avoid others they would call and describe the symptoms. A lot of people are describing runny nose and congestion and headache, diarrhea and vomiting as well. I still see a few people who explain they have complete loss of taste and smell, so we have to still be wary that Delta is still in our midst. So while a lot of the general public is that their fight back is that data is showing that Omicron is causing a milder version of the disease, we still have to be wary that Delta is still in our midst. We still have to be mindful of the vulnerable unvaccinated. I know there is a popular opinion that we should not have so much empathy towards the unvaccinated. However, we still have to care about them and treat everybody the same.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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