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Nov 16, 2023

Neonatal Unit Could Use More Assistance

Neroli Williams

On Wednesday, we showed you the life-saving services that the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the K.H.M.H. is providing for premature babies and full-term newborns with complications. The unit caters to twenty-six babies and while it cares for neonates that weigh a little over a pound, more successes at saving the lives have been recorded. On Friday, the unit will interact with some of those babies whom it has cared for over the years, many of whom are now grown adults or students. But while the unit has been in existence for over two decades, it has needs in order to improve its services. Head of the unit, Nurse Neroli Williams shared with News Five what those needs are.


Nurse Neroli Williams, Manager, Neonatal Unit, K.H.M.H.

“We’ve seen it grown, you know, with equipment, with staffing, with training and stuff like those. So I must say that we’ve seen growth in the unit, but we still have a long way to go. We still – well we can do with more equipment, more training for our staff as well, more staffing ’cause we are very short of staff. What we do with what we have, for example, sometimes you would work, one nurse would have six, seven patients that should be three nurses assignment. So, we do it and we do have success from those, but if we would have the two or three person to deal with the delivery of care would be better and more efficient.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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