Francis Fonseca says action of PM typical of U.D.P. government
While Fonseca vouched for the characters of all three attorneys named in the Prime Minister’s response, he says that the behavior is typical of government. According to the Leader of the Opposition, a draft of the resolution was circulated prior to a position being taken by the association.
Francis Fonseca, Opposition Leader
“I know the president of the Bar, Eamon Courtenay. I know Jackie Marshalleck, I know Andrew Marshalleck, these are good people who want better for their society, who want better for their country and they have every right to speak out on this issue. They view Mr. Barrow’s actions, his government’s actions as a threat to the rule of law, as a threat to the independence of our judiciary and as practicing attorneys, as members of the bar association and as the leader of the bar association, in the case of Mr. Courtenay, they have a responsibility to speak out on these issues and they should not be attacked for that. They should be praised for doing that and we in the People’s United Party certainly praise them for doing that and we will do everything to defend and protect their right to continue to speak out on issues like this. I understand in the release that the government put out, the prime minister put out, he talked about a minority and a puisne number of people representing the lawyers of Belize. Well, Mr. Courtenay, as the president of the bar and the elected executive of the bar are elected by the membership of the bar. They are elected to do just that, to speak on behalf of the bar association and I can say, as a member of the bar that I received the draft resolution before it was passed and I received the resolution that was passed after the meeting. So those were circulated to all the members of the bar, both before and after the meeting and so those who did not attend the meeting had an opportunity to see the resolution, to speak out if they did not agree or support it and after the resolution had been passed, the members of the bar had an opportunity to see it and to make comments on that resolution.”
Typical south-side thug government. The Armani suits, the International Law Degree, Norman Manley Law School, yawn. In the end, we have a thug at heart as king. And we don’t even have a monarchy. But we are the coward fools who have put up with the sweet-mouth buffoon. He believes that his money and his court room theatrics are his impenetrable shield. He forgets he will leave behind a legion of grand children and family who will ultimately pay the price for all the enemies he has created. Truly a megalomaniac educated ass hard at work self-destructing, smh!
I think we as Belizeans should pass a law in which NO Attorney is permitted to run for Ministerial office. There are too much lawyers in the country holding office and it is not reflecting good to us as a country, i feel have constantly go backwards in terms of Governance. All lawyers have lost the sense of shame, since only they know what they do in close doors. I think i would change this observation until proven that it is not so.