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Jul 30, 2014

PM Confirms Appointment of Ambassador Alexis Rosado…

Dean Barrow

On Monday, News Five reported on the appointment of Foreign Affairs C.E.O. Alexis Rosado as new Ambassador to Guatemala. He will be taking over from the late Alfredo Martinez. It’s an important posting, more so because of the critical and ongoing discussions between both countries where the territorial dispute is concerned. As we said, the news broke early this week, but today the PM confirmed it as a first order of business at his lengthy press conference.


Prime Minister Dean Barrow

Alexis Rosado

“As has been rumoured, and as I now confirm, after consultation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and in fact the larger cabinet, decided to advise his Excellency the Governor General to appoint C.E.O. Alexis Rosado to become Belize’s new ambassador to Guatemala. Alexis as you know is extremely experienced in diplomacy and he has been high commissioner in the UK for a number of years; held various other posts in the foreign service; is very well qualified—not just in terms of academic qualifications, but in terms of the sorts of personal traits—that are going to be required in particular for this assignment. I am satisfied that Alexis is the best person that we could ask to take over in Guatemala City. So as soon as we get the agrément from the government of Guatemala; as soon as all the protocolary requirements have been gone through, we expect to dispatch Alexis Rosado as ambassador extraordinaire and I think we will be very, very well served indeed.”


The PM also confirmed what we reported on Tuesday night that C.E.O. of Housing, Lawrence Sylvester, will be taking Rosado’s place as C.E.O. of Foreign Affairs. And a sixty-six year old Denton Belisle is being pulled out of retirement to replace Sylvester as C.E.O. of Housing. 

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “PM Confirms Appointment of Ambassador Alexis Rosado…”

  1. Bring Your Own Food says:

    Listen, I don’t mean to be a pooper, but what you mean is “the best person we could ask WHO WOULD ACCEPT.” Assad is the granddaddy of Belize-Guatemala relations and is the best person for the job period. Sal and Amalia also have the qualifications you referred to and a more adequate supply of the moral fiber and intestinal fortitude needed for Guatemala. And there are two or three others. Alexis is the yes-man you need for the next two years you hold office so, okay, knock yourself out. We’re f*cked if war breaks out.

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