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Aug 18, 2014

Video of Accident Scene Goes Viral on Social Media

Allen Whylie

And on the heels of outrage at that video, there are allegations that Segura received special attention on the scene. Eyewitnesses told News Five today that Segura was taken from the scene by Police, and when he showed up at the polyclinic later, he had taken a bath and changed his clothes. There are also allegations that items were removed from Segura’s vehicle. Commissioner Whylie told News Five today that he also heard those allegations, and he is dealing with the matter internally.


Allen Whylie, Commissioner of Police

“I know that I heard concerns expressed that he had been removed from the scene and that matter is being addressed. I have written to that individual officer for an explanation. It was shared with me that the number of officers that were there and the conduct of some of the persons that were present who were clearly agitated; that officer felt that it would be prudent to remove Mister Segura. As I’ve said, I have written to him and I have asked him to explain that. I was not on the scene and so I cannot judge if he did wrong or he did right. I cannot comment if he was allowed to have a shower or any of those things or if anything was removed from the vehicle. I don’t know if Mister Blackett would want to shed some light beucase I do know that after I was informed of the incident or the accident and the OC had gone out there, I had asked Mister Blackett to go out there and ensure that we are on top of the situation.”


Russell Blackett

Russell Blackett

“About fifty minutes after the incident occurred, I went on the scene. I must tell you that the procedures according to any traffic accident were adhered to. The measurements were taken, the samples were taken from Mister Segura at the polyclinic in San Ignacio. The vehicles were removed as the normal process and is still presently stored at the Benque Viejo Police Station. Personally, I picked up Mister Segura along with the officer commanding Benque Viejo Polcie station and took him to the polyclinic to be tested, for a specimen test to be taken. Family members were there and I spoke to them personally and they understand what occurred.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “Video of Accident Scene Goes Viral on Social Media”

  1. Rod says:

    This man is big lier I would make a private doctor and a private lab test the urine I bet it doesn’t belong to mr segura sue this man sue this corrupt pm and gov. Sue them for 50 million do not hold back he was drunk in a gov. Vehicle what a murderous gov.m

  2. Timber says:

    I feel sorry for the families involved. Do we have an operable lab in Belize with educated people who can test samples? Who’s pee, as you had already asked Rod? A blood test should have been done immediately on the spot. In the US, there are folks employed by the state and department of transportation who go immediately to the scene of an accident and samples are done on the spot. It seems as if you have now become a spin doctor now Lovell.

  3. javintan says:

    some years aback a drunk police officer killed this young lady from San Ignacio. The lady was coming from dangriga and the drunk police officer was coming on the southern highway unto the hummingbird highway. The drunk police officer did not / could not stop and slammed into the lady’s vehicle killing her instantly. the dangriga police came and hurriedly took their drunk colleague away and four days later he appeared and presented himself for questioning and testing, well he was sober by then. Nothing happened. It was all covered up by the police.

  4. Jose Novelo says:

    If this present government is not concerned with crime within its own body, then it should be removed overall. all we can see in this scenario is a whole bunch of racists trying to cover up for one of their buddy’s crime, just because he’s a high ranking officer. this is total injustice in the very eyes of this beautiful country. It is a shame that after so many years of enjoying the benefits of power and luxury, them, the very ones whom we pay to protect us, end up killing us. Today, this kind of news made me feel so disappointed. I call on every concerned Belizean, let’s make this a national concern, not only in the corners of Benque Viejo, but throughout Belize. Let’s us fight for justice, until this man, Miguel Segura pays for his crime. This way our hearts will rest assured that we are not a nation that accepts the tyranny of those whom we place in power, but a nation that executes justice without partiality. let’s exercise our vocal cords and use them to fight for our rights, unless we need to take up arms, then our true change will start. Land Of The Free.

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