Cyril McFoy Murdered While Playing Dominoes At Home
Just before two o’clock this afternoon, as many as six gunshots rang old in the area of the Saint Ignatius Primary School located near the Raccoon Police Station as well as Precinct One in the Old Capital. A callous lone gunman opened fire on a group of four men who were playing their favorite pastime game of dominoes in the yard of Cyril McFoy. At the sound of the gun blasts, the group scattered for cover, except for fifty-six year old McFoy, who then became the target for the gunman. McFoy, a vendor for Blades Ice Cream, was shot in the head and rushed to the hospital, but by the time he arrived at the K.H.M.H., he had succumbed. Another man was also injured. News Five’s Isani Cayetano reports.
Isani Cayetano, Reporting
A routine game of dominoes inside a yard, at the corner of Euphrates Avenue and Dean Street, turned deadly this afternoon when a gunman stormed the property and opened fire on the players.
Voice of: Eyewitness
“All I know [is that] we were sitting there playing dominoes with the guy that was shot. Four of us were playing dominoes and I was, they just asked me to go and buy a little something, you know, and when I get up, I get up and was about to go when I heard shots started to fire and I noticed people were running inside the downstairs of the house.”
While the witness and his colleagues ran for cover, fifty-six-year-old Cyril McFoy remained seated around the table. The attacker then turned his weapon on him.
“I decided to run also and while that running and looking back I just saw the man just turned to the guy that didn’t get up from around the table and shot him in his head.”
Isani Cayetano
“Who was that guy?”
Voice of: Eyewitness
“Cyril McFoy, one of my close friends. I play dominoes with him every day in the yard.”
“Did you guys get a look at who your attackers were?”
Voice of: Eyewitness
“The guy came barefaced but I don’t really know the guy. He didn’t have on no mask or nothing.”
Isani Cayetano
“So when you guys set off running away from the gunman was there anyone else injured? What happened when you guys ran through the back of the yard?”
“Well, we just run in and we heard a next shot get fired. A next guy was shot in his foot also.”
Police Press Officer Raphael Martinez shares preliminary information on the fatal shooting.
Raphael Martinez, Police Press Officer
“Just a few minutes to two o’clock this afternoon, we received some information of a shooting incident that occurred at the corner of Dean Street and Euphrates Avenue. Sadly, we had a fatality in which fifty-six-year-old Cyril McFoy Robinson was fatally injured. Also injured in this shooting incident today we have forty-five-year-old Shawn Cherrington who was shot to the leg. So far we have no motives for this latest incident and we are investigating this latest shooting that occurred in Belize City.”
Isani Cayetano
“In terms of the police response, I know that there are several precincts and stations in the immediate area. What was their response like to this particular shooting?”
Voice of: Eyewitness
“Well, when the shooting happened and I came back and I saw my friend on the ground, a police vehicle was coming along Euphrates but it looked like they didn’t know about the shooting so I flagged them down and that’s how they stopped and we grabbed Cyril and put him in the back of the truck and they went to the hospital with his brother.”
During the armed assault the men ran through the two-storey wooden building to escape the indiscriminate shooting, crashing through a zinc fence near the rear of the property. According to the eyewitness, in all the years he has been frequenting the residence something as violent as this has never happened.
Voice of: Eyewitness
“From I’ve been coming here spending time in this area something like that has never happened before. Something like that never happened. I come in this yard and I help him make his tablata and cuttubrute and, you know, and we go and buy our things, whatsoever we want. If he doesn’t want to go, I go buy for him and he also worked on the Blades Ice Cream truck. He’s a very good friend mein, I don’t know why they had to do that to him.”
Reporting for News Five, I am Isani Cayetano.
What is becoming of this country. Bring back the death penalty, this is a case for a sentence of death. The gunman purposely meant to kill someone, was not afraid because he did not even cover his face. He is saying to the police, I don’t care because I can get away with what I am doing. Hang him and watch him wet his pants as he stands before the hangman’s rope3.