Why Aren’t Known Gang Members Charged for Gang Affiliation
P.M. Barrow during that press conference also conceded that the police department, as well as the local media, is very much familiar with the names of well-known gang members and leaders. Despite there being legislation allowing for the prosecution of known gang affiliates and the fact that it is common knowledge who they are, charges aren’t being brought against these individuals for their involvement in gang activity. The P.M. questioned whether the police department is afraid of charging these men and not being able to prove conclusively their involvement with the gangs.
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“Apart from the question of numbers, the police and ourselves discussed how, on a longer term basis, we can remove these people from the equation. I’m saying that we have passed all sorts of laws, there is an offense on the statute book that has been there for years. We’ve tried to tweak it, we’ve tried to make it more robust but that essentially says membership in a gang is illegal. Now, somebody might tell me or I might ask the question, Mr. Wade says who are these gang people? Those in Belize City, in the media in Belize City, know who the players are; the police know who the players are. There may be difficulties from an evidentiary point of view but we keep referring to these people as gang members and affiliates, how come we’ve never charged any of them with the offence of being a member or a leader of a gang? Are we afraid that we will go to court and we won’t be able to prove the case and that will be some sort of a moral victory? Well we’ve got to try at least. I am now learning that one of the persons being detained will be charged with some offence of causing public terror.”
“We got to try at least”. And your professional class will make good money shooting it down. It’s a win-win life for lawyers & politicians. Tramps do well, for real!
Same reason Penner, Hulse, Contrerass, Castro, Faber, and the rest of Ali’s 40 are untouchable.
GOB is a criminal operation, and Mello sleeps good in Belize paying his fees.
No study judas barrow he is complesit in these gangs activities
Clearly, there is a Leadership crisis in Belize. Our Prime minister appears confused and contradictory.
“we got to chase this crazy bald head out of town” we know the song but can we do it, the level of ignorance of this PM on issues that are a priority to be dealt with are really a shame. He seems lost of words and lost as to what to do about it. First he spit high about transparency and now it is falling all over his head and down. When point out of his transparency failure he hurry points out the other party did it too.