Manuel Heredia Visits Subdivision Site in San Pedro
Last week News Five showed you a proposed subdivision in the Sunset Cove area four miles north of San Pedro Town. Forty acres have been surveyed for a total of three hundred and nineteen lots. One hundred and fifty persons have paid five hundred and fifty dollars each towards the survey. The only thing is that the lots are underwater – completely underwater…which makes the subdivision a distinctly unlikely proposition, even a ridiculous one. Strangely, when we spoke to Heredia last week he admitted that he had never even visited the site, and planned a trip there over the weekend. Today we caught up to him at a tourism event, and despite what is shown clearly on camera, he told us that it’s not really that bad.
Manuel Heredia Jr., Area Representative, Belize Rural South
“Let me be very clear on that. I think I have said enough particularly local where people were probably more interested in that. But I always believe that once I get to an issue, let it stay over there and we had our plan B like I mentioned. We are working on that and once that is unveiled probably I can speak more on that.”
Duane Moody
“I know you spoke about that plan B. Could you just give us maybe an idea? I know you said you were going to visit the site. I think that has already occurred. Could you tell us what’s that plan B because obviously it is under water?”
Manuel Heredia Jr.
“I did go to the site on Saturday as I mentioned and definitely it is not as bad as what you can see. With the cameras and so, it paints a different picture. It might have some negativity into it, but it is not as bad. But definitely my plan B, before I can say anything, I have to wait until I present the issue to cabinet and for government to endorse my plan.”
Duane Moody
“Sir I think people are concerned that they had paid five hundred and fifty dollars for a parcel of land and then they didn’t get it as yet.”
Manuel Heredia Jr.
“No man, they…”
Duane Moody
“We received calls saying that.”
Manuel Heredia Jr.
“You might receive from four because if you watched one of the ones that were produced in the newspaper, the person erased his name, he scratched out his name. So it is somebody that is probably playing mischief or so. If you really feel that something wrong has happened, don’t be afraid to come up or come to me. But people know me well, nobody will lose their money. People will get through with what they want and at the end of the day; I can tell you that every single one that paid that survey fee will get their piece of land.”
“Would you not want to choose locations that are higher up, higher land that is most appropriate for housing?”
Manuel Heredia Jr.
“My friend, if there was anything better in any way to be given, definitely it will happen. But let me tell you, where I live is downtown. You know what that was before? Swamp…swamp where they use to throw garbage and everything. Most of the area from Boca Del Rio, all the way to San Pablo area, that was land that was worse than over there, and today it have become a community over there. It might not be suitable, but there are only two ways to go either you go up or you spread around.”
I live on this Island and I am not Political because I stand in that group of down to earth people(best for saying poor) and there are way better land on the island, just that they reserve it for foreigners or the rich to get it. That land is appropriate to be dividing. The problem is no longer the politicians, we the people have become a larger part of the problem, we are either too PUP or too PUP that we are divided instead of United to demand what rightfully belongs to us. Manuel Heredia speaks about the PUP selling land to David Mitchell and his forgot that they also sold him large amounts of lands. They are taking us as fools and we buy into it. It hurts me to see where we have brought this country to. For a Turkey and Ham for Christmas and $200 for election day we sell ourselves, then the other three or Five years we suffer to watch them in their corruption. When will we ever be a country that is United, WHEN?