Financial Secretary Says Detailed List of Projects to Be provided Soon
Financial Secretary Joe Waight, who really is responsible for accounting for how the money is spent, supports the Prime Minister’s position. He says that not only will they release details on those projects shortly, but they are willing to put the list on their website for full accessibility and scrutiny.
Joseph Waight, Financial Secretary
“We will go back to the House shortly for a supplemental approval detailing the Petrocaribe expenditure to date, which is about sixty-six million dollars, maybe a little more – sixty-eight – and we can itemize project by project how that money has been made up. Most of it has been spent – National Bank is one thing, there’s twenty million. We’ve been supporting the Belize City Council in their street concrete program – that’s another ten million or so. We have spent money to do upgrades of streets in various towns, that’s another ten million or so. San Pedro, North Ambergris Caye – we can put all of that and we will put all of the in the supplementary appropriation to detail it and then it can go on the web. We don’t mind putting it on the web afterwards.”
Waight says that of those Petrocaribe funds placed at our disposal since 2012, there is at least one hundred and eighty million remaining, so the PM is absolutely right when he says the coffers are bulging.
cross your I’s and dot your Ts?