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Nov 26, 2014

Police and D.P.P. Tangle Over Murder Charges for Wilser Echevarria

Wilser Echevarria

The murder of Panamanian diplomat Jose Rodrigo de la Rosa Stanford on Sunday is a sensational case. The allegations of attempted rape brought against him by Wilser Echevarria and his family have made the case doubly so. And now another large can of exceptionally distasteful worms has been opened, even as the Belmopan Police have attempted to charge eighteen year old Echevarria for murder. Recently News Five reported on a directive issued to police to cease consultation with the Director of Public Prosecutions before laying charges, and now that directive seems to have backfired on the police. Mike Rudon was in Belmopan following the unprecedented case and has this story.


Mike Rudon, Reporting

This morning eighteen year old Wilser Echevarria was escorted to court at nine in handcuffs to be charged for the murder of Panamanian diplomat Jose Rodrigo de la Rosa Stanford. Family and friends gathered outside in support, waiting for the charges to be read, after which Echevarria would be remanded and taken to the Belize Central Prison. But by ten thirty that had not happened, and Echevarria was led from the Belmopan Magistrate’s Court back to the Police Station, no charges laid. So what happened? Well late this evening Director of Public Prosecutions Cheryl-Lyn Vida explained.


Via Phone: Cheryl-Lynn Vidal, Director of Public Prosecutions

“My understanding Mike is that at the arraignment, the defence counsel made an objection saying that section thirty-six to section seven in the criminal code had not been complied with. This is the section that actually requires the police to obtain a written directive from the Director of Public Prosecution before they can charge any person with murder when that person has alleged that he killed someone and did so in self-defence. There was no written directive from my office. I think the police department has made it quite clear that in no matter whatsoever will they be consulting with the office of the D.P.P. and so they did not do so in this case.”


That situation was compounded at one thirty this afternoon, when we understand that Echeverria was escorted back to court. Again, charges could not be laid against him, but there are allegations that the Magistrate was told that the D.P.P. was perusing the file, and they were awaiting her instructions.


Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

Via Phone: Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

“I was told indeed that it had been communicated to the magistrate that I was in possession of a file and was told that they were awaiting my directive. And it was very unfortunate that this was communicated to the court because it was not in fact so. I have received no file from any police officer in relation to the matter and they could not possible therefore have been waiting for any directive from me.  I took steps to ensure that the magistrate was made aware that she was being misled by the prosecutor who was in court and I am told that subsequent to that the matter was adjourned to a date to be set.”


We’ll refrain from any commentary on how that looks on the Police Department, but that still leaves the matter of eighteen year old Wilser Escheverria. He was detained on Monday evening, and it is now Wednesday evening; forty-eight hours after. He has not been formally charged in the Belmopan Magistrate’s Court.


Via Phone: Cheryl-Lynn Vidal

“I’m not certain what the Police intend to do. The legislation is very clear that they were not to have charged anyone unless they have a written directive if the person was in fact alleging that he acted in self-defence. They did not do so. At this point, I intend to contact the officer commanding to discuss what happened today and to see how we are going to move forward. I don’t know what they have in mind to do and I don’t know if he intends to fight the requirement of the legislation to comply with the broad memorandum of the Head of National CIB. But we will see where it goes from there. Specifically in this situation, if there is a requirement of the law, then that requirement can’t be dispensed by a memorandum from the Head of National CIB, even if his position receives support from other persons.”


We have been unable to receive any information from the Police Department, but we understand that at news time Echeverria has not been charges. Mike Rudon for News Five.


A memorial service is being held on Friday in Belize City for the slain diplomat.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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5 Responses for “Police and D.P.P. Tangle Over Murder Charges for Wilser Echevarria”

  1. moses x says:

    One look at the diplomat and the profile suggests sexual perversion. Its unfortunate that there are some men who suffer from sexual perversion. They exist in all walks of life from the clergy, politicians, professors to laborers. Some are able to control their disease, others find insidious stealth ways to satisfy their sickness. Belize has many of them past and present, big names, better left unarmed. These men prey on young men using money and power. Its a shame that this young man has to face murder charge because he defended himself. Sexual deviation is a crack disease. The urge and addiction make the most powerful men lose control of their perversion. Yet there are voices that want to change the laws against unnatural behavior.

  2. Teddy Steinway says:

    So the case begins with the prosecutor lying to the judge.

  3. Rod says:

    This pm and gov is such a joke worse pm and gov in the history of this once great nation but unu cruffy deserve whe unu get.

  4. patriotic says:

    Dean Barrow is not the Law… Why do people in authorities always executes what Dean Barrow says without researching the legality? Dean Barrow word doesn’t becomes LAW immediately after he utter his garbage. He has succeed to break up our Government system cause those public officers follow political directives over public service regulations.

    Also PM cannot right that terrible and unlawful wrong he did with the PetroCaribe money. Its wrong when PUP did it, it wrong when UDP did it, no matter how much numskulls he brought out to support his corrupt action.

  5. Hello says:

    I guess the PM and AG are looking forward to a change in Belize’s conviction rate with this non-consultation with the DPP approach – from 0.5% to 0.2%…….?? Case in point right here!

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