Accident Victim Kiran Moguel on Life Support at KHMH, Mother Faces Tough Decision
Tonight, a mother is faced with a decision which no parent should ever have to make. Esther Moguel will have to decide when to take her son, Kiran, off life support because doctors at the K.H.M.H. have said that there is nothing more they can do for him. Both mother and son were the victims of a terrible traffic accident on Monday in Chetumal. It started out as the perfect day, a holiday for young Kiran who goes to Louisiana Government School. He wanted to go to McDonald’s in neighbouring Chetumal, so Esther packed up her only son and asked some friends to take them over the border. That’s where they were when disaster struck at around four in the afternoon. The driver of the vehicle they were in was Zacharias Copo, a friend of the family.
Sylvia Gillett, Family Friend
“Zacharias had thought he had cleared a lane and he hadn’t and a car was coming very fast across that lane and it hit the tail of the pickup truck. And the mother and her eight year old child were in the back of the pickup and they were flung out of the pickup and received severe head injuries and body injuries. The mother is in stable condition at the Northern Medical Plaza and she will receive surgery today on the arm. The son was transferred last night from the Hospital General in Chetumal over to Corozal and the Corozal Hospital sent him here at K.H.M.H. I spoke to the doctors this morning and unfortunately they told us that the child is brain dead. But we had been told that in Chetumal already, yesterday afternoon at about two o’clock. It is just a matter of waiting unfortunately there is nothing that can be done. After the child underwent surgery the Monday, he came out. He was looking a little bit good up until ten o’clock Tuesday morning and at about two o’clock Tuesday, that’s when they told us that the child was brain dead and that there was nothing else that we can do for the child but wait until he dies.”
“Was he conscious at any point after the accident?”
Sylvia Gillett
“Yes he was conscious. When I got to the hospital at about six o’clock on Monday, the child spoke to me; the child was conscious. The child was asking for his mother and he was talking. He was saying different things, but he knew where he was because I asked him and he said he was in the hospital. And he was asking for his mother most of all. He wasn’t crying as if he was in severe pain. When they started putting the tubes in his nose, that’s when he started fighting with the doctors and that’s when they put him to sleep. And since then, he hasn’t spoken one single word. Kiran to me is like a grandchild; he has been around us since he was a baby. He was a quiet child. He was first in his class from infant one up to present and he was a very active child. He’s the only boy for his mother; his mother only have two children—a girl and a boy. So it is very unfortunate that he is going to leave us this way.”
Mike Rudon
“So basically, all anybody can do now is pray?”
Sylvia Gillett
“All we can do is pray and some of us still have hopes that there are miracles and we are praying for one, Mike.”
News Five understands that at this time Zacharias Copo is still detained by Police in Chetumal, since they believe that he is at fault for the accident.
I pray for the restoration of normal brain activity in Kiran. Lord I ask for a supernatural healing. I believe. All this I ask in Jesus’ name, AMEN.
God never leaves our side. I have kiren in my prayers.
I pray too pray for a miracle for this child Kiran. My son’s aunt died due to being flung from the back of a pick up truck hence the reason from that day I don’t take any passengers in the back of a truck I use to have up to the year 2013 or if I should buy a truck again that rule applies no passengers in pan of truck. Another thing transporting the child in a short time frame after the accident I am sure added to his worsening conditions. Why couldn’t he stay in the Chetumal Hospital? I just pray he recovers because I have heard of people on life support recovering even when doctors have given up.