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Dec 17, 2014

13 Agreements Are Penned Between Belize and Guatemala

Thirteen…that is the number of agreements that were signed today between Belize and Guatemala in the margins of the SICA Summit that concluded today in Placencia. We will have more on the summit, but it is the agreements that are grabbing the headlines tonight. The accords signed between the foreign ministers of the two countries cover as lot of ground on issues ranging from education exchanges, to tourism, the return of national patrimony, prisoner exchange, the serving of penal sentences, environmental issues and stolen vehicles. The agreements were negotiated over a period of ten months but the ink had not dried, when the Opposition issued a first salvo. Still at the conference room at the Belize Ocean Club, the euphoria could be felt. The Guatemalan President, Otto Perez Molina, in an address delivered prior to the signing, acknowledged that it is a momentous occasion and that Guatemala poses no threat to Belize.


Otto Perez Molina

Otto Perez Molina, Guatemalan President

“It is a very historic day with our presence for the people of Belize and Guatemala. Both countries have made progress like never before in a bilateral agenda. It is important to mention it because we are today officially the discussion of thirteen agreements and strengthen the relations between the governments. But most importantly is the people of Belize and Guatemala; it is important to mention that these agreements were negotiated in ten months on the basis that the agreement of the negotiation and measures and trust between Belize and Guatemala on the seventh of December, 2006. It is possible in virtue of both countries taking the decision of really building a relation on the main…is to able to improve the issue in maritime and territorial matters and to take it to the international court. To resolve this dispute, Guatemala and Belize needs to be friends and neighbors; neighbors forever and we want to live in peace and we want to be partners in the development of our nations. It is important to understand that Guatemala does not constitute a threat for Belize.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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