Brackett Retains Presidency of COLA
Over the weekend, COLA held its annual AGM and re-elected its executive. Geovanni Brackett was returned as President; Gilroy Usher Jr. Vice-President; Alton Humes Secretary; Edward Young treasurer; Ismay Williams and Russell Roberts as trustees. In his address at the AGM, Brackett spoke on several issues that COLA undertook for the past two years. Among the issues that Brackett spoke about were Elvin Penner’s case, UNIBAM, Offshore Drilling, Gino Peck, FECTAB, and other current political issues. The firebrand president said that the organization has stood strong and foresees the year ahead to be just as active. If you don’t know how powerful they are, well, Brackett says look at their track record. There big things ahead, he said, after all he is the man who has turned water into wine.
Geovannie Brackett, President, COLA
“Like I said to one Government Official, because sometimes they think they can intimidate Cola through their cronies, the day they think they can push offshore drilling; it will be the first explosion in this country, literally. We remain committed to fighting on behalf of the people. Most people will tell you that they are afraid to give to an organization like Cola, why, because they are afraid to be victimized. But, what baffles the Government is how we make bricks without straws or how we make water into wine. How? I simply say it is by the grace of God. Because if the PUP is struggling financially, they know we are not being financed by PUP. We remain committed to the issues that we have embarked on. Many people have a big perception of our organization. We have remained active. We are not like organizations that only when elections come around, we jump on issues. From the day this government, and before this government, I was arrested in ’05 in the riot. COLA has remained active from the very inception. We act yesterday, we act now and we will act tomorrow. This is what COLA is about. I ask you to continue to pledge your support to this organization. I want to give you a little bit of activism forecast, there will be trouble in the next year because this government has clearly shown how it wishes to victimize, how it wishes to polarize and how it wishes to take the very little that people have away. This government has shown that it would break up the cane farmer association. It will muzzle the mouth of the police association. It will trample on the unions and this government has shown that it has no intention to grow the democracy of this country. This organization, I promise you will bring change and it will bring it soon and very soon.”
President Brackett said that they are working on setting up an office and a website.
Like many activists in Belize; Mr. Brackett is a very confused person. His chevrons on his right arm indicates that he holds the rank of a sergeant and on his shoulders he ranked himself a one star general of the same imaginary army. This man is to be pitied.
Why is this man dressed in military garbs? He was an army colonel?
Plain and simple a show of ego coupled with arrogance.
This guy is dangerous. I am not politically affiliated and when you start dressing like that and talking violence, take note people, this is how fanatics rise to power, I say again, this guy is dangerous.
to who may concern, to reach colonel he was a sergeant first so what is the problem ,we need people like Mr.Brackett in our beloved country,unfortunatly many of them are hiding under their mamas dresses, while this called primer minister and cronies are doing nothing for this country that belongs to all ‘BELIZEANS’ not only a few.IT IS A DISGRACE THAT BELIZEAN PEOPLE DO NOT DO NOTHING TO STOP THIS MADNESS,Where is the love ,where is the respect,where are those times when BELIZEAN people used to walk tall with dignity and pride!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Melinda, if you look closer, you would see the epaulet have a shiny button to hold it in place, so the star is on its own making him a one star general; the shiny button is not a crown, which would have made him a lieutenant colonel.