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Feb 10, 2015

Should Marijuana Be Legalized in Belize?

And tonight’s question is: should the use of marijuana be legalized in Belize? Send your comments and responses using your SMART phones to 8686 or post your vote on our e-poll at You can also send an email with your comments to

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6 Responses for “Should Marijuana Be Legalized in Belize?”

  1. Jesus says:

    never and it should not be even in the medias mind.

  2. lowjack says:

    GREAT!!!!! why they don’t legalized rape and murder too all the people who vote yes to legalize marijuana are sicks fucks

  3. For the people says:

    As a matter of fact i would prefer that be legalized over gay marriage…marijuana is safer than alcohol!if u don’t but that go on google an do your research!

  4. Jinglez says:

    I’m a Belizean…. Marijuana should be legalize in Belize, the government would be able to tax the like they do with timber…. blah other natural resources! It would create jobs, marijuana is not only for smoking,,,, have you hear bout hemp? Thing is it would open ways for creativity… clothes, arts… yeah.. also it would ease the crime…. people who use marijuana are happy people, harmless unlike alcohol which causes that husband who drinks and traumatize wife and kids back home… the legalization of Marijuana would bring peace joy and income to BELIZE.. not even touched how it would attract people in the Tourism sector..

  5. lowjack says:

    safer? safer? you sick!!! gays use marijuana too dump ass, marijuana is not safe at all, wow you will not find any pills for stupidity my friend, so if google say that eat shit is good you will do it?

  6. Emil says:

    I think marijuana should be legal because smokers will continue smoking it whether is legal or not and the country will earn more TAX from marijuana than sugar!! And it sounds way better than gay marriage.

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