Will Arrogance and Corruption Bring the U.D.P. Gov’t to its Knees?
Fonseca ended his presentation on a passionate note, claiming that the People’s United Party may be down, but they are not out. Rolling on the Petrocaribe bounty and unprecedented spending, Government has boasted that it will win a historic third term whenever general elections are called. But while Fonseca stops just short of saying “Call Elections Now,” he says that whenever the PM gets around to it, the grand ole party will be ready and will be returning to Belmopan.
Francis Fonseca, Leader of the Opposition
“This is a budget delivered by a prime minister and a U.D.P. government full on themselves, full of themselves…as I said earlier, intoxicated by power and consumed with their so-called historic destiny of a U.D.P. third term. Well I say to you today, Mister Speaker and the entire nation, I say to you today, it will not be; it shall not be. Let them, Mister Speaker, let them beat their chest and enjoy the party while it lasts. Let them beat their chests and enjoy the party while it lasts. Arrogance and corruption shall yet bring them to their knees.”
The UDP has a good hand to play right now so they cannot blame anyone else if they fail. I agree if they do not check their arrogance and stop their corruption their days in the sun will run out too.