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Jun 19, 2015

Toledo Woman Faces Loss of 45 Acres of Family Land

A woman from San Pedro, Columbia in Toledo has just found out that forty-five acres of land which has been in her family since 1952 has been sold out from under her. The land was given to Aurelio Buul in 1952. He in turn transferred it legally to his daughter Magdalena Buul in 1993. She and her family have always planted cacao and bananas there. It’s Buul land. Or at least she thought it was. But last month she received a letter from Clive Ferrell in the UK who claims that he has title which was arranged for him through former U.D.P. Minister of State, Juan Coy. In that letter, Ferrell writes that he had no idea that Magdalena Buul had any claim whatsoever on the land when he got title.  Ferrell states that, “I checked this very carefully with Juan Coy who as you know arranged and participated in the sale which was at a substantial sum and Juan Coy specifically reassured me that there were no claims.” Today, Magdalena and a family member visited our studios.


Voice of: Magdalena Buul’s Spokesperson

“The letter that my aunt received is showing that Mister Clive Ferrell is now the owner of forty-five acres of property in San Pedro Columbia which my aunt, Magdalena Buul holds property of. The content of the letter is saying that Mister Juan Coy, who is the area representative in San Pedro Columbia, know and participated in the sale of that property to Mister Clive Ferrell.”


Mike Rudon

“Tell me a little bit about this property. How long has that property been in your aunt’s family?”


Voice of: Magdalena Buul’s Spokesperson

“This property is in my aunt’s family before independence; I think from 1952, ever since and up to now. And she has the transfer title to it from which she inherited it from my grandfather, Aurelio Buul.”


Mike Rudon

“And that land is in use by the family?”


Voice of: Magdalena Buul’s Spokesperson

“Yes, my aunt uses that for farming and that’s the only land she uses to earn a living.”


Mike Rudon

“Has there been any attempt to maybe reach out to Mister Juan Coy or anybody who can provide some answers with this?”


Voice of: Magdalena Buul’s Spokesperson

“My aunt has made several attempts to get in contact with Mister Juan Coy, but Mister Juan Coy is not coming forth. Anytime she goes looking for him, his people is saying he is not around. And also my aunt ahs made several attempts to get in contact with Mister Clive Ferrell to see what kind of title he has for that land since he is saying that he has title to it.”


Mike Rudon

“Has she made any attempts to contact anybody at the Lands Department?”


Voice of: Magdalena Buul’s Spokesperson

“Yes, my man made checks at Punta Gorda’s Lands Department. They are saying that there is no kind of title issues to Mister Clive Ferrell so I don’t know why they are saying that he has title to it and how that forty-five acres of land was being sold to him by Mister Juan Coy.”


Mike Rudon

“What is it exactly that your family, your aunt would want? Would she just like some clarity in terms of this matter?”


Voice of: Magdalena Buul’s Spokesperson

“My aunt is asking for them to clarify whether or not indeed the property was sold and from there on she can seek legal advice into this matter. She knows that she has the title for it and she is working on the land.”


Ferrell stated in his letter that if there is a problem with the land he would be pleased to reverse the sale and return the land to government. Of course, he makes clear that he would need back his purchase price in full, and ends his letter by stating that, “for this, of course, I would need Juan Coy’s active and full participation.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “Toledo Woman Faces Loss of 45 Acres of Family Land”

  1. Dee says:

    My question is whether this guys is a Belizean and if not how is he purchasing land in Belize. Bet Mr Coy did some under the table shady deal.

  2. Ricky Malthus says:

    Magdalena still owns her land. Too bad for the Briton who will lose his substantial sum he paid the UDP minister. The universal laws of Contract state that no contract is valid if the object being transferred is itself obtain by illegal means. So no contract exists for Magdalena’s land. The Englander must sue the UDP minister to recover. Case closed.

  3. CEO says:

    Anything that has anything to do with land ownership and land title is always crookry and theft!

  4. Concern Belizean says:

    If the Lands has not got any title for this man then he no own the land. Dis da one sin, try steal the land from a lady. Shame on the white man for come da Belize and try thief up the poeples land.

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