Collet Area Rep Defends Petrocaribe Pibil Party
Tacos, pibil, BBQ, sand, sea, unlimited liquor and dancing to a live band….that’s how Collet Area Representative Patrick Faber does it, thanks to Petrocaribe! The politician has taken some hits for that bash – and has even been criticized by the Chamber of Commerce for spending Petrocaribe money on a one day fete. He was unapologetic then and he is unapologetic now. In fact, he says next time Petrocaribe will take them to Hopkins.
Patrick Faber, Area Representative, Collet
“Fifty-thousand was allocated for Collet. We did not wish to have a Mother’s Day celebration Mister Speaker, so what we chose to do instead was to have a family day. We took mothers, we took father, we took the entire family, Mister Speaker on an event that brought the entire family together. Mister Speaker, I don’t how many of them represent a poor constituency like mine; one that is of course riddled with crime and violence Mister Speaker and opportunities that are not like that. They don’t live in front of the Caribbean Sea like one newspaper publisher who opens his window every morning and smells the Caribbean breeze and feels the Caribbean breeze on his skin. So he can write a million headlines and articles. He was one who complained about it. But my leader did not complain; in fact, he is the one who helped us to be able to provide such opportunities for the people of Collet. But for the record Mister Speaker, let me tell them that our fifty thousand dollars was not only spent on the Collet Family Day; in fact, Mister Speaker, if you check the record, you check my Facebook page—they love to follow it—you will see that we had a senior’s day on the fifteen of June. Two hundred seniors Mister Speaker, we took to Bird’s Isle, we had a relaxing day. We shared with them; we had a spiritual service in the morning and Mister Speaker, ten thousand dollars out of our fifty thousand dollars was divided among those residents, the senior residents of our division. Fifty dollars each, a cheque; you could check with the Financial Secretary, if you’d like. Two hundred times fifty—if their math is weak—that equals to ten thousand dollars. Two hundred senior citizens of the Collet division received fifty dollars which they used to buy medication and other little necessities that they had. How could that not be proper use of the Petrocaribe money?”
wtf HE is a ratard to c0me and still defent wat is done is done-its just waste $40.000 in tacos,pibil ‘beers’ etc its our tax $$$$$$$$$$ its petrocaribe loans that we all Belizeans will end up paying,pup,udp,vip,nip etc if its like how mr.mark king said “udp 1st,belizeans second and pup last then make all dem f@%^*** idiots UDP pay for allllllllllll the petrocaribe loans that this udp/government is squandering and wasting in bull%&*( we get their and at the emergency its a waste of %^&*( time….if ur in a emergency that means u have to be attended urgently but we pooor can die @ the ow norther hospital and just %^&*( wait for our turn…. and to adddd insult to it their is no medication only tylenol or benadryl’ and i dont’ know why the %^& sooooooooo much wasting/thiefing of OUR monies why dont’ minister of ‘health’ pablo marin or the government of “PETROCARIBE” CANT’ use our monies tax$$$$$$$$$$ to buy one ‘ULTRASOUND MACHINE TO BE USED AT THE ORANGE WALK NORTHERN HOSPITAL’ ITS SO SAD THAT A MACHINE LIKE THIS THAT IS URGENTLY NEEDED the hospital doeas not have it…we the poor are FORCED to go on private clinics as northern medical plaza and pay $ 132.00 for an ultrasound for our loved ones or @ the asuncion clinic it cost$ 140.00 and up..AND U CAN TELL ME PABLO MARIN DOESN’T see the neeeed in the hospitals?/??????????? pls mein this just pisses me off so much that how many unfortunate thing we have to go trough and have to barrow money so we can pay for an ‘ULTRASOUND” so that we can know what is wrong with our loved one….because if we would be rich i would always go to a private doctor or clinic…but we have to passss through this shame from our GOB-minister of health because we are the pooor and the poor have to pay it more..and worst medecine/injection for my loved one such as “HERRO NEXTRUN’ -for diabetic patients that need blood etc,the frigging hospital doesnot have it? SO AGAIN WE HAVE TO GO AND BUY IT AT THE PHARMACIES…..but GOB/dean barrow the waste for we $$$$$$$$ like it never ends and CAN’T BUY AND UTLRASOUND MACHINE THAT IS REALLLLLLLLLY NEEDED AT THE ORANGE WALK NORTHERN HOSPITAL….pls mr barrow make another loan to venezuela/petro caribe and pls tell pablo marin to buy these important equipments so that we the poor can take our loved ones to use it…because we the poooooooooooor will end paying the petro caribe the most,…SO DISAPPOINTED ON THIS UDP/DEAN BARROW GOVT’