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Jun 26, 2015

Mexican Naval Vessel Runs Aground Near Blackadore Caye

Exactly two weeks after a Guatemalan gunboat ran aground in Belizean waters near Glovers Reef, another maritime vessel has beached in shallow waters south of Blackadore Caye.  This time, a Polaris Interceptor, one of forty-four boats in Mexico’s patrol fleet, is stranded on the mud flats and shoals near the island.  Sometime in the wee early hours this morning, the watercraft was on its way to Xcalac when it experienced what is known as a soft grounding.  The Mexican navy usually navigates the area from Chetumal Bay en route to its southernmost station with the knowledge and consent of the Government of Belize.  The Belize National Coast Guard was immediately notified and responded promptly by deploying personnel from its forward operating base in San Pedro to the area.  The Belize Port Authority, the Department of the Environment and the Fisheries Department are all part of a task force that is evaluating the damage caused by the grounding.  While the BNCG has reserved comment, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a release stating that it is in communication with the Mexican Navy and they are working together to respond to the incident.  At four-thirty this afternoon, the vessel was successfully removed from the bed on which it had lodged.  From an initial assessment shared with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, News Five understands that there wasn’t any damage to any sensitive ecosystems within the vicinity.  Of note is that the ministry and the Mexican Secretariat of External Relations are in the process of finalizing discussions on an MOU on Innocent Passage.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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3 Responses for “Mexican Naval Vessel Runs Aground Near Blackadore Caye”

  1. Rod says:

    Yet another breach in our waters and this impotent pm who runs rough shot on its Mayan community sits by and let’s the neighbors do as they please what a cow.

  2. Steve BZ says:

    Rod, the Mexicans are our best friends. How can you possibly disparage them????

  3. CEO says:

    Mexico is not an enemy that is threatening to annex Belize.

    The matter was handled very well!

    This is how neighbors should live.

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