McNab Publishing Launches Third Edition Flavors of Belize
The Fifth Anniversary Edition of Flavors of Belize was launched today at the Biltmore. The publication which celebrates local cuisine boasts colourful pages of local recipes and restaurants, as well as travel information through feature stories. The brand was created back in 2010 by Tanya McNab of McNab Publishing Limited and has a print run of ten thousand copies per year. News Five was at the anniversary where the local magazine was unveiled.
Tanya McNab, Publisher
“Five years ago when we started, we collect information from people. We collect their photos. We get all their information and in the past people would spend photos and people were not in the culture of worrying how food looks and how we present food. As we are going into our fifth year, if you look in the magazine, you will see some of the most amazing photography and its all food that is cooked in the restaurants now. They take pride in plating, food styling, preparing and photographing it. Tradition is important and I will be honest, we haven’t worked with every single chef here but it’s something that they will never leave behind or forget and it is some version of but always like using some product that is uniquely Belizean and even if it may look fancy it is still some version of our culture.”
Publishers say that at least seven thousand copies have been sold across the world.
what they say is so contrary to the book itself!!! have you seen the book? other than food you everything else such as real estate, bank advertisements.etc! so why call it FLAVORS OF BELIZE? its a new way of scam! There is no useful info in that book!