COLA Sets Sedi Elrington in Its Crosshairs Once Again
Firebrand activist Geovanni Brackett, President of Citizens Organized for Liberty Through Action, COLA, is taking aim once again at Foreign Affairs Minister Wilfred Elrington, this time for comments made about the halted FOB project in the vicinity of the Sarstoon River. COLA is also taking umbrage to the notion that Belize would be proceeding to the International Court of Justice to end the longstanding territorial dispute with Guatemala short of a referendum on the matter. In a release issued this morning, COLA asks whether a decision has been taken surreptitiously to forward the age-old claim to the ICJ for resolution. Likewise, the organization is calling for the immediate reopening of the coast guard project on Sarstoon Island. According to Brackett, the Foreign Minister has quite some explaining to do.
Geovanni Brackett, President, COLA
“First of all, on the road to the ICJ, COLA completely denounces any notion that we are on our way unless the government has signed some secret agreement pushing us forward without our knowledge. Then if that was to happen and that is why we are requesting and demanding clarity and further explanation from the minister because it leaves a vacuum now for us to believe that, one, you went and signed a compromis behind our backs. We were not a part of that conversation and then now you are telling us we are on our way to the ICJ. That is ridiculous and I can’t even fathom it other than to describe it as a sellout, if that is the case. When we look at the actions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sedi has used no tact in his speech. In colloquial terms we would say “no Vaseline.” He is raw, tactless and for a post that uses the word diplomacy not only does he not use any form of diplomacy but sometimes, in the common language, he uses no sense, no common sense and that may sound bad but that’s the way he makes us feel as right-minded, thinking Belizeans. And to have the prime minister endorse this minister is even further ridiculous because we have to hold the prime minister at task because the prime minister is the head of this country and if you are going to say that you are the head then those that you put around you represent who you are. The prime minister said in his last press conference that he will not allow us in the media to [dump] on the head of his minister but then he has allowed the minister to [dump] on his head and the head of this nation.”
That’s exactly what has happened Giovanni; it’s a done deal. I’ve blogged on this a couple of times in the past year. I wish I had the exact dates. My words; the UDP government still hasn’t told the Belizean public that we’ve lost almost all of the South, including the Ranguana Cayes to Guatemala. We were made to look like fools because they had lawyers in those meetings who spoke better English and knew our own laws more than the ignorant politicians who represented us. Father Murphy, who has since left the foreign affairs ministry, and Stuar Leslie were about the only two who held their own. Sedi acts like he’s mentally deranged or senile. I feel sorry for you people when the truth comes out.
Sedi the traitor please lock up this traitor
Its a good thing he represents the spineless politicians and not the the true fortitude of the Belizean people as was represented by our BDF.