Chester Williams Says ‘No Comment’ on GSU Investigation
As we reported on Monday, very serious allegations have been made against officers of the Gang Suppression Unit. They are accused of raiding the homes of three families in San Jose, Orange Walk District for no reason other than intimidation…allegedly at the request of Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega. The homes in question are all owned by very visible and vocal People’s United Party supporters. GSU Commander Mark Flowers has dismissed those allegations as political mischief, and told us on Tuesday that he has asked Eastern Division South Commander Chester Williams to conduct an immediate investigation.
Supt. Mark Flowers, Commander, Gang Suppression Unit
“To avoid any assertion that the investigation is not thoroughly done, we asked somebody who is thorough, who is frank, who is fair and who is firm and who has no fair…”
“But is that the right person in terms of the chain of command?”
Supt. Mark Flowers
“He is the senior officer to me. He is my senior.”
“You report to Chester Williams?”
Supt. Mark Flowers
“I report to the Commissioner of Police.”
“And you have not asked the Commissioner to direct who must conduct that investigation?”
Supt. Mark Flowers
“Listen…that is petty in nature to even contemplate that you would have to do that. This is a pragmatic organization, a very advanced and modern organization. This is an informed organization and these are responsible, mature, very senior Police officers…Mr. Williams is, and if I would have to go to the Commissioner to ask him for a drink of water every time he would get tired of me. So I don’t need to do that. I could go to Chester Williams, or Ms. Phillips, or I could go to Mr. Grinage, Mr. Broaster, any of these senior people and get them to assist. They are senior. This is an arm of the Police Department. This is not a Police organization. This is just but one arm of the Police Department.”
We’ve been trying to reach Williams since Tuesday with no success. Today we finally got through and asked him about the intensive and comprehensive investigation, to which he replied – no comment.
You are right Mark Flowers. This is indeed political mischief…created by the UDP.