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Jan 31, 2005

Free health clinics in city, south

Story PictureA team of medical practitioners from the United States is presently in Belize conducting a series of health clinics. It is the third time that the group has been to the country as part of a medical programme by the Anglican Diocese, PUP Queen Square Committee and Peace Work of Virginia, U.S.A. According to one of the organisers, Marina Welcome, Belizeans should take advantage of the free clinics that are being held at the Church of Christ on Elston Kerr Street and at Five Pelican Street in the city.

Marina Welcome, Organizer, Health Clinic
?Right now they are giving free health care to diabetics, children. The children can come for vitamins, anybody that is a diabetic case who just needs a physical check up are welcome to be taken care of.?

Jacqueline Woods
?How long will these consultations last??

Marina Welcome
?It will be from Monday to Friday from nine o?clock to four p.m.?

Jacqueline Woods
?Tell us about the cases you have been seeing since the free clinic started.?

Pamela Burwell, Director, Peace Work Medical Projects
?Today on the first day, we?ve seen children with cough and cold and diarrhoea. We?ve seen older people with hypertension, high blood pressure, pounding in the chest. We treat what we can here with our own medicine and what we are unable to treat with our own medicine; we send them to whatever local clinic is close by. The important part of our work is not just about medicine, it?s also about health education. Every patient who passes through our clinic receives at least ten minutes health education.”

Following their work in Belize City, the team travels to Independence where similar clinics will be conducted. If you would like more information about the free clinics you can contact Marina Welcome at telephone number 22-70559 or at 610-1554.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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