Dentist Convicted for ‘Semen-Injections’ Says He Was Innocent
On December eighth, an American dentist was detained in San Pedro after his name came up in the most bizarre story. Doctor John Hall had already been granted a license to practice in Belize when reports surfaced that he had injected semen into the mouths of several patients in North Carolina, U.S.A. We hadn’t heard from him about the allegations until today when he wrote a lengthy letter to this station seeking to clear his name. Hall says that on the commemoration of his tenth wedding anniversary, his life was turned upside down when he was accused of a most unthinkable act involving one of his patients. In the wake of the accusation in the U.S., Hall was summoned before the Dental Board where he was reportedly subjected to three separate polygraph tests. The questions were bizarrely unusual, to say the least and according to Hall, at the end of the intense interrogation, the results indicated that, “with regards to the specific allegations, the sum total of the evaluation does not support that Dr. Hall has been involved in the inappropriate behavior that he has been accused of.” As we said, that is according to a letter issued by the beleaguered dental hygienist to the media.
yap and the people should just take your word for it. sure sure.
Don’t let this man take you all for fools above is a link of his conviction.