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Dec 30, 2015

Record Low Murders in Southside Belize City in 2015

Chester Williams

But don’t take Williams’ word for it, or be impressed by a title bestowed by a random media house. He says that the statistics don’t lie, across the board, and are testimony to the effectiveness of the new style of policing he brought to the previously violent Southside.


Sr. Supt. Chester Williams, Commander, Eastern Division South

“For the first half of the year, from January to July before I came, the murder count for Southside Belize City was thirty. Since I came from July to present the murder count for the Southside is eight. So we see a reduction of almost three hundred percent in murders in Southside Belize City when you compare the second half of this year to the first half of this year. And when we look at the same period July to December last year there was a total of twenty-three. So whichever way we go, there is a major reduction in the amount of murders in Southside Belize City. And the reduction is not only evident in the murder rates, but also in the other categories of crimes. I can safely say to you that we are seeing reductions in almost every category of crime when we compare the latter part of 2015 to the earlier part or the same period last year.” 

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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2 Responses for “Record Low Murders in Southside Belize City in 2015”

  1. Rod says:

    That’s not the question that should be asking the question is how many people have been murdered in this country since udp has been in charge more people have been killed since udp has been in power than in 70 years of this country due to this corrupt incompetent useless due to this pm and udp gov.

  2. Mr. Jon says:

    I think glory is due to God for increasing peace in the Southside. I have seen many miracles in Jesus changing the lives of men, women and youth, especially in the Mayflower area. We continue to pray that God will direct His faithful to help, pray for and disciple the people of the Southside.

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