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Jan 5, 2016

Reflecting on Matthiew Klinck

Brent Toombs

Klinck, the brain behind Make-Belize Films, also dedicated countless hours training and mentoring young film students and aspiring producers.  Toombs gives a professional reflection of his slain colleague.


Isani Cayetano

“What does this loss mean for the audio visual industry in Belize in terms of what his potentials were, realizing some of the dreams that he had and what have you?”


Brent Toombs, Belize Audio Visual Industry Association

“Well I think probably the greatest loss, I mean not only his own talent as a filmmaker, but Matthiew was a very dedicated trainer.  He spent a lot of time working with people that had absolutely no experience and was quite generous about sharing what he knew and getting people to be excited about whether it was script writing, directing, camera, animation.  I know he worked with young people in a couple of animation workshops for instance and I’ve seen some of the results.  Some of those people have gone on to do some really, really good work, you know, and with someone like Matthiew who just gave his time and talent, spent some time with them and showed them, you know, that if you have that creative potential you can do it.”


The Canadian press has also picked up the story of the murder of the filmmaker. 

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Reflecting on Matthiew Klinck”

  1. Jason says:

    I always wondered where Bernt went to hide

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