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Feb 5, 2016

Sr. Supt. Chester Williams Fires Back at Attorney Oscar Selgado

On Thursday, we interviewed attorney Oscar Selgado, representing accused murderer and sex offender Bert Vasquez. Selgado claimed on national television that his client will walk because Police have absolutely no evidence. The outspoken attorney went further to throw a direct jab at senior cop Chester Williams, in charge of the investigation which resulted in the charging of Vasquez for murder in 2012.  According to Selgado, “when Sr. Supt. Chester Williams went out to the media and hailed that he had the person, had the murderer and he had so much evidence it was all so much bull.” Williams is currently on a course in Roswell, New Mexico, but thanks to social media fired back at Selgado this morning. At around one this afternoon, Belize time, Williams posted on Facebook, “I don’t see how an attorney can be praising himself about winning several cases in a row and making reference to no one else having done so in history as if to say that he is the best attorney in Belize. I know I have seen several attorneys that I give maximum respect due to the way they articulated themselves in Court and won cases the real way through a trial and not by default where the witnesses refused to appear in court and testify.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Sr. Supt. Chester Williams Fires Back at Attorney Oscar Selgado”

  1. Belizean Pride says:

    Same thing I wrote before how can he brag about this mein, we have judges that do some stupid decision and now a breggin attorney. Anyways hope he works for the victims I would praise his achievements but nor for criminals, he must have forgot that karma knows best.

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