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Mar 24, 2016

Barrow Uses Debate to Slam Caribbean Shores Rep

Kareem Musa

The debate on the 2016/2017 budget ran the full two days allocated in the House, and was closed with the Prime Minister’s presentation at around eight on Wednesday night. For the most part, with some notable exceptions, the lengthy session was civil, a call that had been made by leader of the Opposition John Briceño at the opening of the debate. The Prime Minister, even before speaking on the budget, singled out Caribbean Shores Representative Kareem Musa and Cayo South Representative Julius Espat. Musa’s presentation on Tuesday made significant reference to the PM’s family members who he says have benefitted and continue to benefit because of the high-level connection. Barrow took great exception to those comments.


Dean Barrow

Prime Minister Dean Barrow

“I heard when the member for Mesopotamia, the Minister of Housing, was remonstrating with the young member from Caribbean Shores and I thought what the Minister of Housing said was extremely timely. I will only add this. I personally was not surprised because to paraphrase Emmanuel Cant…out of the crooked timber from which he comes no straight thing was ever made…out of the crooked timber from which he comes no straight thing was ever made. Mr. Speaker this is in obvious contrast to my own family, you know, none of whom was ever accused, not by any Auditor-General, not by any Police and certainly not by the people of fraud, conversion or stealing, and for sure no child of mine will ever have to suffer the ignominy of their father being described by the highest court in the land as a malignant tumor. And so Mr. Speaker I tell the member for Caribbean Shores once and for all…find somewhere other than this honorable House to deal with your daddy issues, and find some means other than our debates to expiate the shame of your inheritance.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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3 Responses for “Barrow Uses Debate to Slam Caribbean Shores Rep”

  1. Joe Blank says:

    Spoken like a true gial. We expect nothing different. In his true narcissistic, self-righteous manner, the Honorable Gial from Queens Square cannot take a dose of his own medicine. Fact is: the U.S. Justice Dept. would have indicted him and his entire family long before they reached the 27 million dollar mark (and counting). Only in a banana republic like ours can they do this. UDP supporters try to make a distinction between the hustling of Musa vs that of Barrow. No difference!

  2. CEO says:

    Oh crap! Them is fightin words!

  3. Acosta Jose says:

    There is only one word you must shout: Shine…wasn’t shine jailed and deported come Mr. PM what a short memory you have. Ah but you will retort not in Belize…a crime is a crime no matta where it is committed…

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