Myrtle Palacio Versus Guardian Newspaper
Former People’s United Party Secretary General Myrtle Palacio appeared before Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin today, after filing a civil suit against the Guardian Newspaper. The case originates from an article and a cartoon published in the U.D.P. party organ purportedly depicting Palacio as someone who practices witchcraft. She took umbrage with the piece of writing, as well as the caricature and proceeded with litigation against the Guardian and its editor, Alfonso Noble. In light of what has been taking place where it concerns Garifuna spirituality, the tasteless drawing, according to Palacio, is also an affront to the Garifuna community. She was represented in court by Senior Counsel Said Musa.
Said Musa, Attorney for Myrtle Palacio
“The case is about the libeling of my client, Mrs. Iris Myrtle Palacio. She was called, among other things, a witch practicing witchcraft or endorsing witchcraft on a Vibes Radio show some time ago in 2015. And that to us is a very serious libel, very disparaging to a person’s reputation and attacking not only her reputation as a Secretary General of the People’s United Party but attacking her entire culture in the Garifuna community. But I will allow her to speak on the matter some more if you’d like.”
Myrtle Palacio, Suing Guardian Newspaper
“I feel very strongly at the time and even more so now as we come under attack as a people in Belize that particularly the headline which spoke to the cartoon at the bottom, which to me disparages a very important part of the Dugu ceremony, the cock killing ceremony. Certainly that cartoon was there to backup whatever nonsense was in the article and it is very disparaging to me as a Belizean and as a Garifuna Belizean and also in my work as the Secretary General of the People’s United Party. So I must take a stand on this and I am taking a stand on this.”
“Ma’am the defendant has made the case that nowhere in the article there is any suggestion that it refers to the Dugu ceremony and that your interpretation is not an interpretation of fact.”
Myrtle Palacio
“You are telling me? I just told you that that cartoon, and please take a look at it, you need to do your research as news people as well instead of pushing mics into people’s faces when you ask questions like that because I‘m not going to go on a back and forth with that. Look at the cartoon, look at the topic and look at who they are talking about. The secretary general is a Garifuna. I was the secretary general and I am a Garifuna. The cartoon is disparaging of the cock killing ceremony, calling it witchcraft. Calling me performing witchcraft. This is how I see it and this what I’m putting to you and this is why we are in court.”
“The judge will make that determination if indeed that had happened.”
Myrtle Palacio
“That is why we are at the court. There is a judge. I feel very strongly about what I just mentioned to you and that’s why I brought it to the court.”
Why pick up this cross and carry it Ms. P? It may not be funny but people take pot shots at public figures like yourself in both good and bad humor!