Former P.U.P. Minister Elijio Briceno Passes Away
The father of P.U.P. leader John Briceño passed away at midnight on Saturday after a long illness. Elijio Joe Briceño was a former Minister of Government, and as such will be laid to rest on Wednesday with all the pomp and ceremony of an official funeral. Today, Deputy Leader Hyde told News Five that he remembers Briceño as a giant in the community of Orange Walk.
Cordel Hyde, Deputy Leader, People’s United Party
“A real general has passed away. I’m not old enough to know of Don Joe while he was in government, but I’ve known him for some years and he’s always been a source of towering strength to his family and a giant figure in the Orange Walk community. But just a big hearted person, a real generous person, a man who opened his doors to anyone, his house is your house to eat, to drink, to sleep – as generous a spirit as you will find and he was a quiet strength and quiet support, a fantastic cheerleader for the party Leader and the Party in Orange Walk, and I am sure his family will miss him greatly, the orange Walk community will miss him greatly. I imagine most people would want when they pass away that people don’t forget them. I’m sure that Don Joe, wherever he is, can rest assured that he won’t be forgotten –“
no we will not forget him and all he did.
Condolence to you and the Family Mr Briceno