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Jul 27, 2016

Belize Central Prison Has Special Protocols for High-Risk Prisoners

Virgilio Murill

Today, News Five was at the Belize Central Prison and got an opportunity to enquire about the status of the new, high-profile additions to the facility. As we told you earlier, William Mason and four others accused of the very gruesome beheading of Pastor Llewellyn Lucas, have been on remand since July nineteenth; former Commander of the Gang Suppression Unit, Mark Flowers, just a day. So how is the prison handling the situation? C.E.O. Virgilio Murillo told us today that they have it under control.


Virgilio Murillo, C.E.O., Belize Central Prison

“We have several – what we would call high profile or we would call them high risk inmates. We have protocols in place for those types of people. We have systems and procedures and protocols with respect to their visits, with respect to their movements, recreation, etc. But these guys are kept in a separate housing area, an area that as far as I am concerned is very secure, so there should be no cause for alarm that they would escape or that they would be hurt, that kind of stuff.”



“In that case you are perhaps referring to the other high profile prisons, but I am referring specifically to the Police Officer who I would assume is responsible for a lot of the people being back here.”


Virgilio Murillo

“Yes, but he too is in that same facility. He is properly secured. You rest assured of that, and we have all protocols and procedures, tight protocols and procedures in place to ensure that definitely he has nowhere to go until his bail or whatever comes his way.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Belize Central Prison Has Special Protocols for High-Risk Prisoners”

  1. Ali BaBa-row, chief thief says:

    In these class A facilities, each guest gets a king size or queen size bed; fully stocked wet bar, latest big screen TV, and ultra high speed internet. For an additional fee, access to heliport and racquet ball courts. All prostitutes are properly screened and hiv checked. We know the high end clients we must serve, and their very special needs.

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