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Jul 29, 2016

Belizean Musicians Participate in Regional Workshop

Come next week, three young Belizean musicians will partake in a regional orchestra workshop in Trinidad and perform in two sold out concerts along with musical professionals in classic, pop and technical displays in that CARICOM state. It is a venture undertaken by the Belize Bank to develop a local orchestra in the next five to six years. Today at the bank’s office on Coney Drive, News Five’s Duane Moody caught up with the lucky musicians.


Duane Moody, Reporting

Three young Belizean musicians have been given an opportunity of a lifetime to represent the country in Trinidad. For four to five weeks, Richard Gabb, Chelsea Thompson and Daron Flowers will participate in an orchestra workshop where they will be learning the techniques and skills to better their craft. It is part of a bigger project being facilitated by the Belize Bank Limited.


Lyndon Guiseppi

Lyndon Guiseppi, Chairman, Belize Bank

“About a year ago, we brought fifty kids from Trinidad to participate in a historic concert which culminated in two performances at the Bliss. I think that inspired us to think about how we could develop this program even further and one of the things we decided on is to foster a long term relationship with Belize and between the respective orchestras. So in collaboration with Mister Young, we identify promising musicians, kids who had demonstrated the capacity to go to the other level, and we would arrange to send them to Trinidad to participate in a one month workshop. This workshop is a whole-day workshop; they are going to be playing music from eight in the morning to six and seven in the evening everyday for four to five weeks. And at the end of that, they will perform a command performance at the National Academy for the Performing Arts in Trinidad. They are going to be playing with some of the best musicians in the Caribbean. They are going to be playing classical music, pop music to sold out concert.”


Richard Gabb

The idea is to identify five youths annually for the next four to five years, send them to Trinidad to get trained and build the local capacity to create Belize’s first orchestra.  It’s experience that is expected to expand their horizons and inspire them to develop their talents another level.


Richard Gabb, Young Musician

“I’ve been playing the trumpet for almost eight years now. I love music and that’s why I am here.”


Chelsea Thompson

Chelsea Thompson, Violinist

“I’ve been playing for five years and really what I want to go away and get is a betterment of my skill. So I want to grow musically, make friends and be more educated on music and stuff like that really.”


Daron Flowers

Daron Flowers, Young Musician

“I’ve been playing music for the past eight years with a combination of different instruments, but now I am playing the bassoon in the orchestra. It is a very rare instrument that got introduced to Belize about three years ago and I am the only one that plays that instrument. And I’m very excited about this experience and opportunity to go to Trinidad.”


Colville Young Jr.

Colville Young Jr., Director, National Orchestra and Choir of Belize

“It’s important in any community to have your young people involved in things like this which will be skilled base and an orchestra is one of them. And the advantage of an orchestra is that it’s an opportunity for young people to express themselves also this would be down the road so to speak. Hopefully musicians will be able to make use of all these instruments and players that they will be able to compositions and things that are meaningful and inspirational to our Belizean people.”


Duane Moody for News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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