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Aug 23, 2016

Do You Believe the Ruling on Section 53 Should Be Appealed?

And tonight’s question is: Do you believe the ruling on Section Fifty-three should be appealed? Send your comments and responses using your SMART phones to 8686 or post your vote on our e-poll at You can also send an email with your comments to

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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4 Responses for “Do You Believe the Ruling on Section 53 Should Be Appealed?”

  1. Elsie says:

    It should be appealed because it is not morally correct. God’s word is never wrong and He left an example of what happens to his people that decide to forsake Him and do what angers Him. People that do not follow His word will perish in hell and that is a fact. Their God please change the hearts of these fallen brothers and sisters so that they may be saved. Amen.

  2. Stephen Sweasy says:

    One man should not decide the faith of a nation, this is our country and when that judge leave here we are the ones that will have to stay to face the wrath of GOD. The chief justice should have send for a voting on this issue and if Belizean want it then he change it.

  3. GodChild says:

    The BEST way to have dealt with this situation was to have a vote, let the people decide! NOT A MAN.

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