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Oct 19, 2016

Will B.N.T.U. Resume Strike Action? Prime Minister Called on to Intervene

Keesha Young

The memo requests information on the number of striking teachers to be delivered within hours earlier today. The B.N.T.U. believes that this latest missive is not an act of good faith on the part of government.


Keesha Young, Executive Secretary, B.N.T.U.

“We feel as if though that request is almost ridiculous. Schools were just reopened today; the memo specifically states that they wanted the information by nine a.m., this morning. How ridiculous is that Duane, for the ministry to be expecting that all this data will be collected and sent out to them so early? So again we feel as though that is a deliberate attempt for it to not happen the way they want it for them to have a reason to withhold those monies.”


Luke Palacio

Luke Palacio, National President, B.N.T.U.

“Our process has been that we go to our membership. The membership right now we can tell you are definitely not satisfied. We have said to them that we are not going to let them down. We will do everything in their power to try and rectify this matter amicably. But yes, that possibility exists, but again, we will go to our membership for them to tell us if we should resume or press the pause button and carry out some other form of industrial action. We have put the strike on hold and we are asking the Prime Minister… we are asking the Prime Minister based on advice that we will get if it is indeed within his power to try and rescind this particular memo.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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