Shelly Meighan Forgives Attackers; Roger Anthony, Kendis Flowers Walk from Attempted Murder Charge
Two notorious figures of the Ghost Town area also known as “Mayflower Street” walked from the charge of attempted murder after the woman they allegedly attempted to murder in a shooting in 2014, discontinued the case against them. In October of 2014, Roger Anthony, along with Kendis Flowers, was charged for the attempted murder of Shelly Meighan, the mother of two other notorious figures, Ellis and Tyrone Meighan. But the case crumbled when she chose not to testify against the duo. She told the judge that she has forgiven Kendis who she raised like a son and since as the main witness she was not cooperating with the prosecution, the judge released them. On October twenty-sixth, 2014, Shelly Meighan reported that a barrage of gunshots hit her Banak bungalow house, but fortunately no one was injured. Anthony, who was in the area, was found in possession of a nine millimeter handgun. At the time, police retrieved four expended shells from the scene of the shooting.
Persons like her is part of the problem. Those who refuse to bring the thugs to justice. I guess next time when he actually kills one of them, thats when she’ll testify.