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Mar 28, 2017

Who Shot Strike Team Cop at Church Street Home?

Daniel Paul Lawrence

Another cop goes down in the city and is tonight fighting for his life at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital in Belize City. But there are more questions than answers in this shooting incident in the Old Capital. According to the police, forty-year-old Police Corporal Daniel Paul Lawrence, who is attached to Strike Team South, was shot to the chest. The circumstances under which the cop was shot are mysterious. Lawrence was reportedly sleeping at his house on Church Street when his license nine millimeter glock pistol which was under his pillow, accidentally discharged.  The shooting begs the question that if Lawrence was lying parallel to the pillow and gun, how was he shot to the chest?  So like we said, there are more questions than answers and investigators are trying to fit the puzzle to determine what went wrong. Today, when we spoke with Lawrence’s older brother, he says that the cop is in a coma at the K.H.M.H. and he too needs some answers.


Voice of: Brother of Shooting Victim

“I believe sometime around ten o’clock police visited my place and informed me that they had an incident where my brother got shot. I just was taken straight to the hospital and upon reaching there, he was already been hooked up for surgery. I just signed the document for him to get the surgery quickly, but I haven’t spoken to him up to now.”


Duane Moody

“He was unconscious when you got there?”


Voice of: Brother

“Yah, he wasn’t talking.”


Duane Moody

“What are the doctors saying now?”


Voice of: Brother

“Well they completed the surgery; I believe he got both his lungs injured. A vein was also destroyed, but they were able to, I think, patch it up or so. But he is still in critical condition for the next twenty-four hours; he is under observation. He is in an induced coma.”


Duane Moody

“Now he was shot to the chest once right?”


Daniel Paul Lawrence

Voice of: Brother

“Yes. He is a senior officer.”


Duane Moody

“How long has been with the force?”


Voice of: Brother

“Believe he was in there for thirteen years.”


Duane Moody

“So the prognosis is that he has a fifty-fifty chance to make it?”


Voice of: Brother

“Yes, according to the doctor, he has a twenty-four hours still to recover and within that time, it will speak for itself…whether or not he is going to have any chance”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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1 Response for “Who Shot Strike Team Cop at Church Street Home?”

  1. mr.sampler says:

    They should give this guy’s gun to the guys in the racoon street police station cuase does guys don’t have and have to use cement block to bring down the catracho man.

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