As Investigation Begins, Police Minister Calls on Colleague Gaspar Vega to “Deal with” Situation
Orange Walk East Area Representative Elodio Aragon Junior also weighed in on the ongoing land scandal involving former cabinet colleague Gaspar Vega. As Minister of State for Home Affairs, Aragon chimed in on the role of the Belize Police Department in a criminal investigation that has been ordered by the prime minister. From a political perspective however, he says that while the latest round of public outrage doesn’t look good for the United Democratic Party, the issue will also need to be dealt with internally.
Elodio Aragon Jr., Area Rep., Orange Walk East
“The situation in terms of the former Minister of Natural Resources, that is a problem that he has to deal with.”
“Isn’t that a concern for the party as well sir?”
Elodio Aragon Jr.
“Well of course, it does not look good for the party on a whole, but not because your brother has committed a crime that you will be held responsible for that crime. That situation is something that the party will have to deal with on a whole.”
“As the Minister of State in charge of police, what can you share with us as to the directives out of the Office of the Prime Minister requesting an investigation into the Amy Forte land documents and Andre Vega and Gaspar Vega’s involvement in what looks to be fraud?”
Elodio Aragon Jr.
“The police department has a job to do regardless of who it is. I’ve always said as the minister responsible for police, wherever the chip lies so be it. We have a duty not only to the protection of the rights of people but also to this nation. The police department has launched an investigation into that situation and as soon as we get more information you all will be informed about it, but definitely the police department has launched an investigation because an official report has been lodged of fraud and that has to be investigated and it will be investigated.”
What a thief lock him up and the pm for collusion.
Investigate not only this case with Mrs. Forte but all the land transaction done under Mr. Gaspar Vega and you will see the extent of the corruption. Mr. Gaspar Vega should resign. He has no credibility to represent his constituency