Clarification on Policeman Accused in Video
On Tuesday’s newscast, we reported on a question asked of the commissioner of police by a reporter which suggested that the officer referred to in the video posted by Cross di Nitro was charged with extortion several years ago. We are able to confirm tonight, however, that the officer who was charged with extortion is Elvin Nah, who was, at the time, stationed in San Pedro. The officer who is currently working in Belize City, and who is therefore likely to be the one referred to in the video, has never been charged with extortion. Although the two bear the same surname we are told that they are not related.
The officer reffered to is Elmer NAH of the Special Assignment Group not GSU. He was charged previously and later dismissed from the Police department after he had slash Chester Williams 4 vehicle tires infront of Queen Street Police Station. His uncle Marco Vidal brought him back into police whilst he was working as compol staff officer and kept him close since then. From GSU to Special branch and back to belize city. This officer have conviction for drugs and is also said to have street level peddlers selling the drugs he recovers as found property. His business is deemed lucrative cause he arrests and takes the drugs from the competition to create a drug monopoly. Then you wonder why vidal and chestah got beef. it is ovah the nephew not ovah soutside or gang.