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Mar 27, 2018

Mexico Engineers Begins Technical Assessment of K.H.M.H. Building

Ministry of Health officials, representatives from the Pan American Health Organization and engineers have been having technical discussions on the crisis at the Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital. This morning, three Mexican engineers, identified by the Secretaria de Saludos Quintana Roo, Mexico arrived in country and were joined by engineer Douglas Westby of the National Engineering and Maintenance Center as well as consultant and former Works C.E.O. Cadet Henderson to assess the crumbling roof at the hospital. According to ministry officials, they were picked up this morning at the northern border and brought to the city where they began their tour of the structure, having received the blueprint to the building last week. The Mexican team will present brief notes to the ministry before submitting a formal report later this week. That report will provide specific recommendations for what needs to be done to restore the integrity of the building and the health services of the national referral hospital. We are told that a preliminary assessment by the team is that the hospital can be saved. News Five understands that the Mexican team has offered to return, if required. The engineers are only to provide technical assessment and not to repair the hospital.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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