Will Promotion Boost Patt’s Chances to Contest Upcoming Leadership Convention?
Hugo Patt’s ascension as well as the significance of the portfolio he has been assigned, leads many to question whether the U.D.P. Corozal North area rep is being primed for higher office. He has not made those ambitions clear, but with talks that a third or a fourth candidate may be eyeing the party leader’s seat when PM Barrow retires, we asked him if the recent promotion will help to boost his chances should he offer himself at the upcoming leadership convention.
Isani Cayetano
“You’re now responsible for the second most powerful government ministry, does this buttress, perhaps, your ambition for running as the party leader to someday becoming the party leader of this country, being in charge of this heavy portfolio?”
Hugo Patt, Minister of Natural Resources
“No, absolutely not. I am in support of any of the candidates that make it to the leadership of our party. Certainly I can assure you that I don’t have ambitions to become the party leader, I am here to support my party, but most importantly I am here to support the general concept of our country. My mission right now is to improve and provide the much needed services that all Belizeans deserve and all Belizeans need to get.”
Isani Cayetano
“My final question to you sir, this is a weighty undertaking and you’re seen as a junior minister coming into such a heavy portfolio. Are you up to the challenge?”
Hugo Patt
“Look, as I indicated earlier, I always welcome challenges. I am so glad that the prime minister gave me the opportunity and has the confidence in me. And as I said, nobody starts in any kind of business, in any kind of enterprise having experience. As you realize that as you come out from college, you first seek and get a job, the first thing they will ask you is that you need experience. How do you get experience? You need to first be given an opportunity. And do this is the same process that we are going through and as I said, I am not going into the Lands Department thinking that I know everything. I go in there embracing ideas to improve the system and at the end of the day to improve the delivery of services to our country and to our Belizeans.”