Internal War within the U.D.P. over Questionable Land Deals
From crime to the questionable land deals at the Ministry of Natural Resources. Following the airing of a story last Friday, a full-fledged internal war within the U.D.P. has broken out on social media. Leila Peyrefitte and Rommel Berges are two Freetown constituents whose land documents were leaked after they were granted prime real estate in Caye Caulker. This, as it turns out, is the second five-acre parcel on Caye Caulker that was issued under the U.D.P. Administration to Berges. In a television interview, Senator Barnett stated that she approved the five acres to Berges to allow him access to the sea. But based on the maps we have seen, all that would be required for him to have road access would be a sliver of land to meet up with an already existing road. But over the weekend, this issue became even more explosive. Bruce Barnett, the brother of Senator Carla Barnett, who got twenty six acres of land in Burrell Boom, viciously lashed out against the purported whistleblower.
First he ranted about paying for lease land for years then he attacked the media for the report as well as the system. Many others chipped in, but Bruce saved his best for the person he fingers as the whistle blower. He posted expletives about a former U.D.P. senator saying, “I am thinking, why didn’t the media inquire…just how much land holdings she has and how did she become so ridiculously wealthy? Perhaps it is time the F.I.U., Integrity Commission, Accountant General, Police started doing their job. More than likely U.S. Law Enforcement, F.B.I., D.E.A., are looking in with keen interest.” One thing is sure, it is not the last time we hear about those land deals at the “hot bed of corruption.”
What will the future PUP government do about all these land deals? We are entitle to know. Is there a plan, we do not hear anything from Hon. Johny Bricenio. If things will continue like this, it do not make sense to change government.
No one should buy real estate in Belize because land titles are NOT secure.