Saldivar Explains Why He Wants to Contest P.U.P. Belmopan Convention
The three candidates who have been accepted to contest the convention are Oscar Mira, Wiezsman Pat and Michelle Rodriguez. After this morning’s court session, Saldivar told supporters who had gathered at Battlefield Park why he wants to contest the P.U.P.’s Belmopan convention.
Arthur Saldivar, Suing the P.U.P.
“We are looking at a situation in Belize where the cost of living has gone way out of control. The average family is disintegrating as a result of not being to make ends meet. Where the housewife has to go and find two, three jobs now because the paycheck of the husband can no longer suffice the family. So there are serious things to be dealt with in Belize, serious things to be dealt with in Belmopan in particular. I believe that the PUP is the best party for Belize. We have been the party that has secured universal adult suffrage. To give young people the vote. We are the party that brought about self government, to charter the way for self determination. And certainly we are the party of political independence and now we should be the party to usher the second revolution, economic independence. I believe I can be instrumental in that task, bringing about economic independence. This is what we need in order to give our people a viable chance to be contributors in our economic life here in Belize. Unemployment is the biggest problem that we have. It is what leads to crime and misery. So this is the reason why I am here. Forming my own party has never been a consideration. I have been a P.U.P. all my life.”
The five defendants named include: P.U.P. Leader John Briceño who is being represented by Senior Counsel Eamon Courtenay. Courtenay as well is being sued as the P.U.P.’s legal advisor. He is being represented by Gavin Courtenay. Henry Charles Usher the Chairman of the P.U.P. is also a defendant. He is being represented by Senior Counsel Said Musa. John Wade, chairman of the P.U.P.’s Belmopan committee and the party’s Linsford Castillo have also been named in the claim. They are being represented by Senior Counsel Andrew Marshalleck.
What a fiasco-poor Eamon turn now to be sued by Arthur after Eamon sued him for money last time-only in the PUP
Not a team player, can even cause the party grief,
Has no special qualities that BMP needs,
BMP has no shortage of professionals to solve it’s own problems,
Has no respect for the party structure or leadership,
Too tainted to survive the scrutiny of being a PEP, may be easily un-cac able in the future and can no longer be trusted as a cabinet member,
Best option for him is to form a party of ONE and see who will vote for him.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall in 2008,
All the best intentions,
All the best efforts have not put
Humpty Dumpty together as yet.
Any fool can turn a boat over,
It’s takes team efforts to make it upright.
The PUP needs Representatives that will support the Leader in times of challenges, crisis and disasters and provide any shortfall or deficiency he may exhibit.