PM Heads to Cuba for Spinal Surgery
Prime Minister Barrow is traveling to Cuba this weekend where he will be undergoing medical surgery on his spine on Tuesday. He will be gone for most of September and during his leave of absence Deputy Prime Minister Patrick Faber takes over. Following today’s house meeting, PM Barrow described the process of treatment and recovery.
Prime Minister Dean Barrow
“I am going for spinal surgery, I’m going to Havana and I should go into the hospital on Monday, for the surgery to take place on Tuesday. The doctors require that after the surgery I remain in Cuba until the twenty-first of September. It couldn’t be, it’s a hell of an unfortunate coincidence that I have to stay there for Independence Day. But if all goes well, I should be able to come home thereafter. There will still be some convalescing, some recovery that must be done at home. This is a two-level fusion surgery with spinal correction because I also have a misalignment apart from the discs. So it is a serious surgery and the recovery time is expected to be relatively long, however, once I come through the surgery okay and it’s just a matter of the recovery journey, once I get home I should be able to operate initially by phone and perhaps signing what I need to sign with stuff being brought to my home until I am able to actually go back into the office and put in a full day’s work.”