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Jan 23, 2019

The Story of a Woman Living with HIV for 12 Years

In 2017, there were two hundred and twenty-three new cases of HIV in Belize, mostly among young males. During the first few weeks after a person contracts HIV, the viral load is usually very high.  At this point, there is a considerable risk of passing on HIV, and many people acquire the virus from persons who more than likely don’t know their status. After a period of early infection, viral load usually drops. At December 2017, a total of one-thousand-three -hundred and eighty-five persons living with HIV were on treatment; ninety-five percent were adults and five percent children. Being diagnosed with HIV is life-altering and for some, can lead to depression. With support from family and friends, persons diagnosed with HIV can emerge from the depression and go on to live a normal and healthy life. That is what News Five’s Hipolito Novelo found out today when he spoke to a woman who has been living with the virus for twelve years.


Hipolito Novelo, Reporting

Twelve years ago, at the age of forty-six, this woman-who will remain anonymous- was told she was HIV positive


Voice of: Person Living with HIV

“I didn’t know really what was going on, what was taking place. I was sweating, feeling tired all the time, feeling sick. So I thought it was diarrhea. I went to the doctor. I asked the doctor to do a full test on me. I went to do a general. I even asked them to do the HIV test.”


The news was life-changing, plunging this mother of five into a deep depression with thoughts of suicide.


Voice of: Person Living with HIV

“I tried to commit suicide twice because when I first know about the HIV virus and thing. But before I went for the results, I gave my life to God and when I went back for the results and when the doctor told me, I put everything in God’s hand and I said Father God, be in control. I have seen a lot of people pass away with HIV virus before and it is not a very nice thing to want to commit suicide. I went through a deep depression for a very long time and I hide it from my family, I live with it for five years in secret.”


She then decided to break the news to her family who were nothing more than supportive, something she needed in order to fully accept her status.


Voice of: Person Living with HIV

“Even now that I talk about it, it makes me want to cry because I don’t deserve that. So I spoke to my family.”


Hipolito Novelo

“That must have been really hard.”


Voice of: Person Living with HIV

“It was really hard at first. But I come with the terms that it is life.  I am glad after all I told my family about it and they supported me. They supported me to the fullest. Yes, I have my own house.”


Hipolito Novelo

“And support is what is needed during this time.”


Voice of: Person Living with HIV

“Yes. I will tell you something, for a person living with HIV, that I when they need their family more than anything else. Family should not turn their back on their loved ones knowing that they are going through this.”


And this working woman went through a lot, including stigma and discrimination. And in the face of all the odds, she overcame her obstacles, choosing to live a normal life.


Voice of: Person Living with HIV

“I have been discriminated all the time.”


Hipolito Novelo

“Because of your status?”


Voice of” Person Living with HIV

“Yes, at first. You can live. You can be the same person that you always are just that you have to live your life in a different way. Yes, I know that there is a condom but I choose not to, completely not to, have sex with anybody else. I have my grandchildren abroad and I always say that I want to be able to dance at their wedding and that is why I choose life. Having HIV is not a death sentence.”


Hipolito Novelo

“You are not defeated.”


Voice of: Person Living with HIV

“No. No. You are never defeated because once you have life and you have your family who supports you one hundred percent, that’s it all you want. That is all you need.”


And for those who are HIV positive, watching and listening to the testimonial of this woman, she has one very important advice:  don’t give up, keep hope alive and follow your dreams. For the general population, her advice: Know your status.


Voice of: Person Living with HIV

“Stop spread the disease because it is not right. Just live your life and live your life to your fullest. Take your medication, sleep right, eat right. Do your doctor visit. Take your test. Don’t be afraid to take a test. Know your status.”


Hipolito Novelo, News Five.

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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