Authorities move quickly against meningitis
sudden death of a student sent a shockwave through the highly rated school
and the well-heeled families whose children are educated there. But as
News 5’s Janelle Chanona discovered, while the kids are back in the classroom,
the fear has not yet disappeared.
Janelle Chanona, Reporting
Today, the atmosphere at Hummingbird Elementary contrasts sharply with
the panic that gripped the school on Tuesday when it was confirmed that
a four-year pre-schooler, Jevan Wade, had died from acute meningitis.
Within hours, everyone who had been in contact with Jevan was administered
Dr. Paul Edwards, Epidemiologist, Public Health Bureau
“The contacts received prophylaxis treatment yesterday, orally or intramuscularly.
We have also gone to the house of the child, to investigate. We have checked
the vicinity, however, at this moment we have not been able to identify
a source of infection.”
Several children are tonight still hospitalised after they were admitted
for suspicious symptoms, but so far their tests are inconclusive.
Parents of young children are advised to watch for severe headache, vomiting,
stiff neck and irritability. Children under age ten are particularly at
risk because their immune systems have not been fully developed.
Because a case of meningitis has not been reported in Belize for at least
five years, how this child was infected is a primary concern.
Dr. Paul Edwards
“This bacteria has always been here. It forms part of the, as Dr. Rosado
said, it’s basically in your nose as such, but it depends on various factors.
I would hope and I’m thinking that it will not become and outbreak, the
problem should be contained. The one that we are studying and we are suspecting
right now is meningococcal. That is not common here in Belize, there hasn’t
been a case reported as yet. However, there have been cases of meningitis
caused by different bacteria, for example haemophilus or pneumococci.
What happens in relation to the transmission, there can be two sources,
somebody who is infected or somebody who is a carrier. As I said, the
research we have done unfortunately, we haven’t been able to find a source
as such.”
Authorities say several physical factors prevented a mass outbreak in
the school. The meningitis germ is carried in saliva or droplets from
the nose of the infected person that can be passed on to other people.
Overcrowded, poorly ventilated, dark rooms would be ideal for transmission.
But as you can see, that is clearly not the case here, where there is
a maximum of twenty students per classroom.
Dr. Paul Edwards
“There is absolutely no risk of the children who received medication
yesterday, of getting the disease because they have received antibiotics.”
Janelle Chanona
“While some students stayed away, most parents made the conscious decision
to send their children to classes today, convinced there was no risk.”
Janelle Chanona
“Your son was a classmate of the little boy. Did that increase your worry
even though they were telling you it’s okay?”
Suad Holder, Parent
“Initially it did, and I needed to get more information and I was anxious
to get here to find out more information. I also knew that some antibodies
were going to be given and I needed to know what type and that sort of
information. So when I came, I was a bit anxious, but I knew it was going
to be okay eventually. I am quite happy to know that the school handled
the situation extremely well. They were very open about it and they made
the health authorities deal with it as the health authorities felt it
had to.”
The official statement from school officials is that Hummingbird Elementary
is open, and despite the tragedy, they are trying to get things back to
Classmates of Jevan remember their lost friend.
Brevel Holder, Classmate
“He died when he went to heaven.”
Janelle Chanona
“You miss him?”
(Nods head, yes)
Janelle Chanona
“What do you remember about Jevan? What did he like to do?”
Brevel Holder
“He liked to play with me, but he was nice to me when I was reading
a story.”
Janelle Chanona
“He was a good friend?”
Brevel Holder
Funeral services for four year old Jevan Wade will be held on Friday.
Reporting for News 5, I am Janelle Chanona.
The public health bureau says it is considering sending culture samples
to the U.S. for further testing, but given the new restrictions in place
after September eleventh, the results may take longer than usual.