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Home » Health » Suspected cases of Swine Flu in the northern district
Apr 28, 2009

Suspected cases of Swine Flu in the northern district

There is a developing story on suspected cases of the swine flu in the north. And confirmation will take a while on whether two students displaying flu-like symptoms are suffering from the H-one-N-one strain of Swine Flu. News Five spoke with the principal of a high school in the northernmost district late this evening who said that as a precautionary method, she sent home the two students earlier today because they were suffering from vomiting, runny nose and cough. The principal also said she advised the parents to take the students for medical attention as soon as possible but that she has not heard from them since they left school. Meanwhile, another child, also in Corozal Town, has reportedly been hospitalized since the Easter Break, but the reason for his treatment has not yet been determined.

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