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Apr 24, 2009

“Pink Eye” outbreak reported

Story PictureThere is an outbreak of viral conjunctivitis, or as it is commonly known, pink eye. Ophthalmologist, Dr. Amin Hegar, told News Five that he has been seeing a growing number of patients infected with pink eye over the past two weeks. The infection is usually caused by bacteria coming in direct contact with the eyes, which then becomes red from irritation. Infected persons may also experience swelling of the eyelids, discomfort and sometimes pain. We asked Hegar today about prevention and treatment of conjunctivitis.

Dr. Amin Hegar, Ophthalmologist
“It spreads by direct contact to the eye, hands to the eye. It does not spread on the air. Of course, it can spread on water. You go into swimming pools, sometimes people who have been infected with virus of the pink eye, you go to the swimming pool and you can also catch the pink eye. That’s why you need to wash your hands more often to prevent it because it’s by direct touch, hands to the eye. Use disposable tissues, towels; don’t use the same towels at home, wash the face more often. If you are using contact lenses, remove them and use glasses. If you catch the pink eye, throw away that contact lenses and wait until the conjunctivitis is easing down or is cured completely. One thing that is important is that there is no treatment for this viral epidemic conjunctivitis. It’s a virus just like the common flu, that it takes its course. Three or five days, in some cases it can go up to two weeks. It’s self-limited; there’s no special medication for it. The symptoms are that of gritty, watery eyes, painful eyes. You can drink some ibuprofen for the pain, and the discomfort; artificial tears. We like to prescribe antibiotics. Common antibiotics that we use—it’s very cheap in Belize—is chloramphenicol eye drops. One drop six times a day and it is to prevent a superimposed bacterial infection, which will cause more of a yellow secretion in the eye which is different. This viral epidemic conjunctivitis does not cause a discharge, it’s more watery than anything.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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