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Aug 25, 2020

Mental Health Expert Speaks on Dealing with COVID-19 Related Deaths

Iveth Quintanilla

The loss of a loved one is painful and the grieving process takes time, but dying to the novel coronavirus makes the grieving process even more difficult due to the restrictions imposed on family members. There is no funeral, church service or contact with the body of the deceased. The victim is buried as quickly as possible with no time to say goodbye and have closure.  This can take a toll on family members, but Mental Health Coordinator Iveth Quintanilla says there are ways to cope with the unexpected death.



Iveth Quintanilla, Mental Health Coordinator

“This separation only adds to the grief or sadness of loved ones that are left behind. SO some of the common grief reactions include shock, disbelief or denial, anxiety, distress, anger period of sadness, loss of sleep and appetite. And this is a very difficult time that people might be experiencing as we lose loved ones. However there are certain things that can be implement that can overcome this difficult period of time. One of the things that we always encourage is to connect with other people. We can invite people to call you or call family members and friend to stay connected. We can also ask family and friends to share stories and pictures with you via mail, letters if you live far away or through social media that allow groups to share with each other. You can also set a date and time for the family and friends to honour your loved ones by reciting a selected poem, doing a spiritual reading or prayer within your household. Another step that we can implement is creating memories or rituals. You can create a special corner at home where you can place a picture; you can light candles in memory of your loved ones. You can even plant a tree in their memory or prepare a favourite meal that has significance to you or the love one who died.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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