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Dec 9, 2020

Faber Says Dr. Manza is being Sidelined by P.U.P. Government

Patrick Faber

The Briceño administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is being criticized by the opposition which says that the new government has all but abandoned the measures that were put in place by the previous administration to tackle the virulent disease.  While Opposition Leader Patrick Faber says that the P.U.P. neglected social distancing, as well as a curfew in the wake of its massive victory on November eleventh, he also says that the Director of Health Services, Doctor Marvin Manzanero has been sidelined and may soon be replaced by a political appointee.


Patrick Faber, Leader of the Opposition

“It would be quite easy for us to point a finger, as the People’s United Party did when they were in opposition.  In fact, it would be much easier for us because we saw the blatant disregard of the P.U.P. on nomination day and on election day and then again after the victory when they threw aside all the curfew and all the rules against and agreements against motorcades and gatherings across this country.  So if we wanted to point fingers, the P.U.P. would be well in line for blame, first in line for blame for the pandemic getting away from us.  But rather than do that this afternoon, as I’ve said to the prime minister, this party in opposition stands ready to join forces.  I’ve made this offer now, quite a times informally to the prime minister and yet no outreach has been made.  There is no political lines for COVID.  From the very first press conference that the government had and while there is no official boxing in of Dr. Manzanero, it would seem that they have their own preferences for professionals.  We saw in fact in that very first press conference that they basically boxed him out and we are told now that in fact, and again, we can only go by what we are hearing, but normally, nine out of ten times when we hear these things they come to light, we’re hearing of yet another nepotistic appointment that is about to be made in terms of the DHS or at least key players in the Ministry of Health.”

Viewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.

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